How to Break RAR File Password Using RAR Password Unlocker

RAR Password Unlocker contains three Modes to Recover Password.

I will discuss all three Steps one by one.

Method 1 -  Brute-Force Attack

In Brute-Force Attack, Software tries all Possible Combinations.
The Password may contain a-zA-Z0-9All Symbols so Software tries all Possible Combinations in Order to get the Password.

Screenshot 7

This method takes a lot of Time.

But if you know how many Characters your Password contains than Method 2 will be Helpful for you.

Method 2 - Brute-Force with Mask Attack

In this Method you can give some Details related to your Password to the Software like if your Password contains 5 Characters then you can Specify that your Password has 5 Characters so the Software will take less time to Recover your Password.
If your Password only contains Letters then you can Specify that to the Software and it will take less time to Recover Password.

Screenshot 8

Screenshot 9

That's how you can Recover Password you Method 2.

But if you think that Password assigned to the File has Some Meaning like "Dog" or "cat" or Something like that, then you can use the Method 3.

Method 3 - Dictionary Attack

This Method can be used when the Password is a Meaningful Word like "Dog" or "cat" or Something like that.

In this Method the Software compares all the Meaningful Words that are Stored in its Database with the Password String and if some Word matches then Software will show that word and it will be your Password.

Screenshot 10

This method takes a lot of time to Recover Password.

That were all three Methods that you can use to Recover your Password from RAR File using RAR Password Unlocker.

Turn off Auto Update in Google Chrome

Google Chrome was created to silently update every six weeks. This measure ensures that the internet browser carries the most recent technology and stability, without your need to allow or download each update.

However, it is possible at times that the newer versions of Chrome are more unstable than previous versions. These new versions may contain bugs that make it incompatible with your tasks.

A good way to prevent this is to disable auto-update. There are several ways to stop your Chrome from auto-updating its version. Outlined below is the easiest way to do so.

Read This Tutorial Also - How to use Old Version of Google Chrome

A. On your Chrome browser's address bar, type in 'about:plugins' and hit ENTER.


B. Find the plugin called 'Google Update' and click disable.


C. Restart your browser for the changes to take effect.

Other procedures to disable auto-update are also available, including disabling it from "msconfig" and "Task Scheduler" in Windows.

How to Use Old Version of Google Chrome (Turn Off Auto Update)

If you want to revert your Chrome internet browser to an older version, follow the steps below.

How to Uninstall Chrome

Close all open Chrome browsers.

Go to Start, find Google Chrome in the list of programs, and click Uninstall. After it uninstalls, restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

How to Install an older version of Chrome

Look for an older version of Chrome from download websites. One such website is We recommend Chrome 19 or 17.

After you download the installer, run it, and the installation begins.

After the installation completes, please remember to stop auto-update, so you can retain the version you just installed.

How to use Jetpack Photon Without Jetpack Installed - Wordpress

How to use Jetpack Photon Without Jetpack Installed

If you have used Jetpack before, you may already know it has a great feature called Photon which is a free CDN service for your images. By caching your image and served from, your site could be running faster.

Important Note: Photon is a free image CDN service but it doesn’t mean you can abuse or violate WordPress.con TOC.

So, how to use Photon without Jetpack installed?
add_filter( 'the_content', 'wpse39167_replace_image',9999 );
function wpse39167_replace_image( $content )
 $content = preg_replace_callback( "@<img.+?src=[\"'](.+?)[\"'].+?>@", 'wpse39167_maybe_replace_image', $content );
 return $content;

function wpse39167_maybe_replace_image($matches){
  return $matches[0];

    $counter = wpse39167_static_counter( $matches[1] );
    $wp = 'http://i'.$counter.'';
 $url = str_replace(array('http://','https://'),$wp,$matches[1]);
 return str_replace($matches[1],$url,$matches[0]);

function wpse39167_static_counter( $url ) {
        srand( crc32( basename( $url ) ) );
        $static_counter = rand( 0, 2 );
        srand(); // this resets everything that relies on this, like array_rand() and shuffle()
        return $static_counter;

Put these in your theme’s functions.php and you are done. To learn more how to make your site faster

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