Don’t miss: 10 Ways to Make Money Online in 2013
First of all I will tell you that these tips are according to my research on other blogs and Google AdSense will only can decide that whom they should approve.
1. Top Level Domain Name
This is very important thing that your site/blog must have a top level domain name (i.e .com, .net, .org). Subdomain names like and are being disabled now a days if your blog has no traffic and legal contents else you will need to buy a custom domain name from any site or provider. Free domain names like .tk, are also not works for Google AdSense, So top level domain name is important.
2. Domain Age
Domain age is also important for the Google AdSense. Your site/blog must be at least 6 months old for adsense. Your blog/site will be denied if your domain age is less than 6 months. I know this is not so easy to wait six months but it is important so you will need to wait about 6 months. After six months then you should apply for AdSense.
3. Blog Content
This is also another important thing that Google AdSense employees also check the blog content that what kind of content your blog is providing. If you are publishing pornography content then your blog will be denied in seconds. So you have to provide the legal content on your blog and the content must not be copied from other sites.
4. Traffic and Impressions On Your Blog
A good traffic and impressions are also important. Your Blog must have at least 400+ daily visits and about 2000+ daily impressions. You should work hard on search engine optimization in the 6 months of getting your domain age 6 months old. In these 6 months, You should improve your traffic and impressions because Google AdSense is gonna deny you if you have low traffic and impressions and also check that you blog is fully indexed in search engines.
5. Blog Design & Easy Navigation
I think this is not so important but having a good design of your blog can also make more chances of being approved. Remove the unwanted elements from your blog and make AdSense ads space available in your blog. Well, Navigation of your blog is also important for Google AdSense. Use drop down navigation menu if you are providing micro niche content and also create a sitemap page in your blog.
6. Remove Other Ads
I want to tell you that Google AdSense hates other small advertising networks. Before applying for adsense, you must remove the other ads. Then if you got approval, after that you can add other ads but not small advertising networks. You can use Yahoo ads, BuySellAds on your blog along with Google AdSense but remember that other advertising networks are not small.
7. Don’t Break AdSense Rules
After giving some important tips, I want to tell you that don’t break Google AdSense policy rules like copyrighted content, adult content, invailed clicks etc. You can further read theComplete Policies of Google AdSense and also follow each rule and condition. Be careful in using Google AdSense because a little mistake can harm your Google AdSense account.
At last I want to say, if you find my information is wrong anywhere you are most welcomes to rectify it. If my content is help you out then similarly you can share these tips so that it can help others.
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