How to Change Windows 7 Taskbar to Classic Style

While many users see the new taskbar (also known as the start bar) in Windows 7 as an improvement, there are still a lot of users, such as myself, who prefer the classic style taskbar. If you fall into this group, no need to worry; with a few small tweaks, the Windows 7 taskbar can be made to look and function just like the classic XP/Vista style taskbar.

Enabling the Quick Launch Toolbar
The Quick Launch Toolbar is disabled by default in Windows 7. To enable to Quick Launch toolbar, right click any empty space on the taskbar. A pop-up menu should appear. SelectToolbars and then click New Toolbar. When prompted, type the following in the folder line:
USER\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch
Make sure to replace the word USER with the user name you're currently logged in with. You should now have the Quick Launch toolbar on the taskbar, appearing to the right of your open applications. If you wish to stay true to classic style task bar, you'll want the Quick Launch toolbar on the left, next to the start button. To do this, all you have to do is click the toolbar and drag it over. In order to remove the text and toolbar name, simply right click the Quick Launch toolbar and uncheck Show Title and Show Text. Voila! Classic Quick Launch toolbar.
Reverting to Smaller Icons and Enabling Taskbar Button Labels
In order to shrink the taskbar and its icons back down to their Windows XP/Vista proportions, once again right click any empty space on the taskbar and select Properties. This will launch the Taskbar and Start Menu Properties window. Simply check Use small icons in order to shrink down the taskbar and taskbar buttons/icons. Then click on the Taskbar buttons drop-down menu and select Never Combine. Click Apply and then OK. There you have it! Your taskbar should now look and function as it did in earlier versions of Windows.

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