How do 'NOODP' and 'NOYDIR Meta Tags Help in SEO?

Meta tags like 'NOODP' and 'NOYDIR' are mostly used by the webmasters who have a DMOZ or Yahoo listing. Dmoz is an open directory project which is overlooked by thousands of people and have a lot of influence on Google's search results. Say if some one searches for something, Google would display the keywords and description for that particular search results with the keywords that are listed with DMOZ library.

The problem and drawback with this can be that you are not sure when DMOZ updated their description or keywords for that particular site in the past and thus that old content would be used by Google bots. And that's what you don't want. Its a goal of every blogger or webmaster as a whole to have his site updated with the search engines. These tags allows you to opt out of the DMOZ or Yahoo directories keyword and description override. In case you have old description and keywords that Google takes from these directories than your rankings would fall tremendously and you wont be able to compete with your opponents.

So looking forward to these issues, webmasters use these two tags in the HTML of their blogs. So if you have a DMOZ listing or in Yahoo directory then you may want to apply these tags to your blog as well. So lets get into it and see what meta tags we have to enter.

Step 1:

Go to Design >> Edit HTML and search for the following code :


and enter the following meta tags just below the <head> tag

<meta name=”robots” content=”NOODP,NOYDIR” />

and now click save template.

Once you have done this, any search results that point out towards your blog would have description and keywords that you have used in your site and not from these directories.

Hope that helped.

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